Best Time To Book Hotel For Lowest Price 2024

One of the most common queries among travelers is about the optimal time to book a hotel at the lowest price. Many wonder, “What is the cheapest day to book a hotel?”

If you’re a budget-conscious traveler seeking answers, this article is tailor-made for you. It provides valuable insights into the best timing for securing hotel reservations at the most economical rates. Additionally, it offers essential tips to prevent falling prey to common mistakes that could result in overpaying for accommodations.

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Now Let’s Discuss How To Book Hotel For Lowest Price in 2021

Best time to Book Hotel

Let’s start the article with Do hotel prices go down closer to the date?

The answer is! Yes, hotel prices go down closer to the Check-In date, Because, No one want’s to bear the loss, Same applies to the hotel industry too. Let’s imagine a scenario that, A hotel having 20 rooms and 18 rooms were booked, Then most of the hotels end up decreasing their price to fill up their inventory for the same day only, in most cases. It’s always a good option for hotels to sell the available 2 rooms at a lower price than actual to bear the loss of actually having 2 Un-sold rooms.

Note:- Not every hotel down their prices close to check-in date or for the same day, Mostly the Premium Chain Hotels

Is it cheaper to book hotels early or late?

I think the answer to the question depends upon your time of travel.


Let’s discuss in detail, As per my personal experience, It’s always a great idea to book the hotel Early only if you are planning a trip during the peak season. Because if you are going to book your hotel at late or say last moment, there is a heavy chance you won’t even get a hotel room or if you get one you are going to pay much more than that you have to pay if you book early.

And, If you are traveling in the offseason then it’s always  a great idea to book the hotel at the last moment of just book your stay by simply walk-in into the hotel

Now, I think you might get confused by the terms Peak Season & Offseason

Let me make it clear to you When you plan a trip to Hill Station? The answer is! Mostly during Summer Vacation Right, So mostly traveler do the same and thus there is a lot of crowd during summers in Hill station. Thus it’s called the Peak-Season.

And in Winters mostly a few travelers plan trips to Hill Station. Thus this called an OffSeason.

How do I get the cheapest hotel rates?

If you are a solo traveler or couple traveler who are free to travel wherever they want without any time limits then the best time to book a hotel for you are always in the off-season of the particular tourist place, because in the off-season you get most of the hotel at almost 60-70% discount on their actual price.

Also, I have so many contacts if you are planning a trip to Delhi to Manali do comment below for the best hotel in Manali at an affordable price, Trust me I provide you a deal directly from the hotel owner that cost you half than most of the travel companies offers

If you are not free from time limitations and want to travel at a Specific time /Month/Season then the best time to book hotel for you is between Monday to Thursday at starting of the month, because on weekends every hotel receive lots of leads/booking that’s why you might see an increase in the price of hotel during weekends

Why starting of the month? because most of the peoples get their paycheck after 10th so the maximum time they travel between the 3rd-4th week that’s why its Best time to Book Hotel for you.

Now for the travelers who want to explore the place then the best time to book a hotel is during summer because summer is a good time to explore new places like hill stations Manali, Jibhi India, Shimla, and Mussoorie, etc

During summer you are free to explore and roam your favorite place without fear of rain, landslide and other weather conditions, also you can enjoy your favorite dress in summer you don’t have to be packed like winter that’s why its Best time to Book Hotel if you love to roam around the places.

If you are a snow lover then the Best time to the best time to book a hotel is between February to April, Now you may want to know that where you find snow During Feb-Apr so the tourist place where you find snow during Feb-Apr is Solang Valley Manali.

As per my knowledge Solang Valley Manali is the best place where you get snow also during Feb-Apr is the Best time to Book Hotel if you want to enjoy the snow at Manali at budget.

Now you may be curious to know that why its the best time to book a hotel during Feb-Apr in Manali because during Feb-Apr its offseason in Manali and you get almost 60-70% discount on all the hotels at Manali and if you want to crack the best offer do comment I’ll share you contact details of the best hotel in Manali.

Also, I love to travel on the train than not forget to enjoy the amazing Delhi to Shimla Toy Train journey!

Is it cheaper to book a hotel online or walk-in?

In most of the Premium Chain Hotels, It’s always a good idea to book online because you might end up wasting your time with bargaining price with them. For premium hotels, you simply have to wait for them to lower their price.

But, In budget stay or cottages, It’s a great idea to test your luck before booking online and do some bargaining regarding price to save some money during your trip and most of the cases you end up getting a heavy discount, a special deal, or customized package

A Special Tip, Do hotel prices go up the more you search?

Most of the time when we search for a specific destination, We might see some change in price every time we end up opening the same page It’s because there are some cookies stored in our browser.

Note: I’m not sure about cookies, but I do see some change in price, During hotel and flight research.

So, It’s always a good practice to book hotels and flights after clearing your browser cookies or in incognito mode for a better price.

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