Mumbai Airport to Siddhivinayak Temple (Nearest Airport)

To travel from Mumbai Airport to Siddhivinayak Temple, you have several transportation options available:

  1. Taxi: Taxis are readily available at Mumbai Airport. You can book a prepaid taxi at the designated counters or use ride-hailing services like Uber or Ola. The approximate travel time from the airport to Siddhivinayak Temple is around 30-45 minutes, depending on traffic conditions.
  2. Private Car Rental: You can also consider renting a private car with a driver. Many car rental agencies operate in Mumbai, and you can pre-book a car online or through their offices. This option provides more convenience and flexibility, especially if you plan to visit multiple places.
  3. Public Transport: If you prefer public transportation, you can take a combination of a bus and train to reach Siddhivinayak Temple. From the airport, you can take a bus or a taxi to the nearest railway station, which is Vile Parle Station or Andheri Station. From there, you can board a local train on the Western Line and get off at Dadar Station. Siddhivinayak Temple is a short taxi or auto-rickshaw ride away from Dadar Station.
  4. Metro: Mumbai’s metro network is expanding rapidly, and depending on the current status of the metro lines, you might have an option to take a metro train. As of my knowledge cutoff in September 2021, the metro line connecting Mumbai Airport to Siddhivinayak Temple was under construction, but it’s possible that it might have been completed by now. You can check the latest updates on the Mumbai Metro website or inquire locally for the availability of metro services.

Mumbai Airport to Siddhivinayak Temple Distance

The approximate distance from Mumbai Airport (Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj International Airport) to Siddhivinayak Temple is around 13 kilometers (8 miles) via the most direct route. However, please note that the actual distance and travel time can vary depending on the specific route taken and traffic conditions at the time of travel.

Review: Siddhivinayak Temple is one of Mumbai’s most revered and popular temples dedicated to Lord Ganesha. It is located in Prabhadevi, a bustling area of central Mumbai. The temple is renowned for its architectural beauty, spiritual significance, and the belief that it fulfills devotees’ wishes. Here is everything you need to know about visiting Siddhivinayak Temple from Mumbai Airport.

Entry Fee: There is no entry fee to visit Siddhivinayak Temple. The temple welcomes all devotees and visitors without any charge.

Timings: The temple is open to visitors from early morning till late evening. The general timings are from 5:30 AM to 9:50 PM. However, it’s important to note that the temple may have specific darshan timings and may close briefly during specific rituals or ceremonies. It is advisable to check the temple’s official website or contact them directly for the most up-to-date information on timings.

Guide ! Goa to Mumbai Bus (TimeTable, Non Ac Sleeper, Route)

How to ReachTo reach Siddhivinayak Temple from Mumbai Airport

you have several transportation options.

  1. Taxi: Taxis are readily available at Mumbai Airport. You can book a prepaid taxi at the designated counters or use ride-hailing services like Uber or Ola. The approximate travel time from the airport to Siddhivinayak Temple is around 30-45 minutes, depending on traffic conditions. It is advisable to choose a reputable taxi service and negotiate the fare or use the meter.
  2. Private Car Rental: Another convenient option is to rent a private car with a driver. Many car rental agencies operate in Mumbai, and you can pre-book a car online or through their offices. This option provides more flexibility, especially if you plan to visit multiple places in Mumbai.
  3. Public Transport: If you prefer public transportation, you can take a combination of bus and train to reach Siddhivinayak Temple.
  • Bus: From the airport, you can take a bus to Vile Parle or Andheri Railway Station. From there, you can board a local bus heading towards Dadar, which is the nearest bus station to the temple. Siddhivinayak Temple is a short taxi or auto-rickshaw ride away from Dadar bus station.
  • Train: Similarly, you can take a taxi or bus to Vile Parle or Andheri Railway Station. From there, board a local train on the Western Line and get off at Dadar Station. The temple is easily accessible from Dadar by taxi, auto-rickshaw, or a short walk.
  1. Nearest Bus Station: The nearest bus station to Siddhivinayak Temple is Dadar Bus Station. From there, you can easily reach the temple by taxi, auto-rickshaw, or a short walk.
  2. Nearest Metro Station: As of my knowledge the metro line connecting Mumbai Airport to Siddhivinayak Temple was under construction. However, it’s possible that the metro line might have been completed by now. You can check the latest updates on the Mumbai Metro website or inquire locally for the availability of metro services.

Which is the nearest airport to Siddhivinayak Temple Mumbai?

The nearest airport to Siddhivinayak Temple in Mumbai is Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj International Airport (BOM). It is the main airport serving the city of Mumbai and is located in the suburb of Andheri, approximately 12 kilometers (7.5 miles) north of Siddhivinayak Temple.

Mumbai airport terminal 2 to siddhivinayak temple

Mumbai Airport to Siddhivinayak Temple

To travel from Mumbai Airport Terminal 2 to Siddhivinayak Temple, you have several transportation options available:

  1. Taxi: Taxis are readily available at Mumbai Airport Terminal 2. You can book a prepaid taxi at the designated counters or use ride-hailing services like Uber or Ola. The approximate travel time from the airport to Siddhivinayak Temple is around 30-45 minutes, depending on traffic conditions.
  2. Private Car Rental: You can also consider renting a private car with a driver. Many car rental agencies operate in Mumbai, and you can pre-book a car online or through their offices. This option provides more convenience and flexibility, especially if you plan to visit multiple places.
  3. Public Transport: If you prefer public transportation, you can take a combination of a bus and train to reach Siddhivinayak Temple. From Terminal 2, you can take a bus or a taxi to the nearest railway station, which is Vile Parle Station or Andheri Station. From there, you can board a local train on the Western Line and get off at Dadar Station. Siddhivinayak Temple is a short taxi or auto-rickshaw ride away from Dadar Station.
  4. Metro: As of my knowledge cutoff in September 2021, the metro line connecting Mumbai Airport Terminal 2 to Siddhivinayak Temple was under construction. However, it’s possible that the metro line might have been completed by now. You can check the latest updates on the Mumbai Metro website or inquire locally for the availability of metro services.

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