Explained ! Delhi to Jibhi distance (By Bus, Flight & Car )

The distance between Delhi and Jibhi, located in the Indian state of Himachal Pradesh, can vary depending on the route taken. The approximate road distance between Delhi and Jibhi is around 500 kilometers (310 miles). This distance can be covered by car or bus in approximately 10-12 hours, depending on the traffic and road conditions. It’s important to note that travel times may vary, and it’s always a good idea to check the current road conditions before starting your journey.

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Delhi to Jibhi Distance

The total distance between Delhi and Jibhi is approximately 500 kilometers. However, there are no direct buses or trains available for a journey to Jibhi. To make your journey more comfortable, I suggest the following route:

  1. Board an overnight bus from Manju ka Tilla, Delhi to Aut, Himachal Pradesh. The total distance for this leg of the journey is approximately 480 kilometers.

Important Note: It is crucial to ensure that the driver drops you off at the exact Aut Bus stand so that you can easily board your direct bus. The bus stand is located after the Aut Tunnel, and sometimes the driver may drop passengers off before reaching that point.

By following this route, you can reach Aut, which is the closest accessible point to Jibhi by public transportation. From Aut, you can then take another mode of transportation, such as a local taxi or shared cab, to reach Jibhi.

Delhi to Jibhi Distance by bus

The distance between Delhi and Jibhi is approximately 500 kilometers. While there are no direct buses to Jibhi, you can take a bus from Delhi to Aut, which is the nearest town accessible by bus. From Aut, you can then take a local taxi or shared cab to reach Jibhi.

The total distance covered by bus from Delhi to Aut is around 480 kilometers, and the journey usually takes around 10-12 hours, depending on the traffic and road conditions. Please note that these travel times are approximate and can vary based on various factors.

It is always advisable to check the current schedules and availability of buses before planning your journey.

To travel from Aut to Banjar Valley, you can board a direct bus from Aut Bus stand to Banjar. The distance between Aut and Banjar is approximately 30 kilometers, and the bus fares are reasonably priced.

From Banjar, you can then proceed to Jibhi, which is approximately 10 kilometers away. However, there might be fewer bus options available from Banjar to Jibhi. In this case, it is recommended to hire a taxi or take a cab from the Banjar bus stand to reach Jibhi comfortably.

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Delhi to Jibhi Distance by Car

The distance between Delhi and Jibhi is approximately 500 kilometers if you travel by car. The route typically followed is as follows:

  1. Start from Delhi and head towards NH44 (Delhi-Chandigarh Expressway).
  2. Continue on NH44 and pass through Ambala, Kurukshetra, and Karnal.
  3. Stay on NH44 and reach Chandigarh.
  4. From Chandigarh, take the NH205 towards Bilaspur.
  5. Continue on NH205 and pass through Sundernagar and Mandi.
  6. From Mandi, take the Mandi-Jogindernagar Road towards Jibhi.

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The journey by car from Delhi to Jibhi usually takes around 10-12 hours, depending on the traffic and road conditions. Please note that travel times can vary based on factors such as the chosen route, stops for breaks, and traffic congestion. It’s always a good idea to plan your journey in advance and check the current road conditions before starting your trip.

Delhi to Jibhi Distance by Flight

There are no direct flights from Delhi to Jibhi as Jibhi does not have its own airport. The nearest major airport to Jibhi is Bhuntar Airport (Kullu-Manali Airport), located in Kullu district of Himachal Pradesh.

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To travel from Delhi to Jibhi by air, you can follow these steps:

  1. Board a flight from Delhi’s Indira Gandhi International Airport (DEL) to Bhuntar Airport (Kullu-Manali Airport) (KUU).
  2. From Bhuntar Airport, you can hire a taxi or take a local bus to reach Jibhi, which is approximately 60 kilometers away from the airport.
  3. The taxi or bus ride from Bhuntar Airport to Jibhi usually takes around 2-3 hours, depending on the road conditions and traffic.

Please note that flight schedules and availability may vary, so it is advisable to check with the airlines for the most up-to-date information on flights between Delhi and Bhuntar Airport.

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Delhi to Jibhi distance by train

There is no direct train connectivity from Delhi to Jibhi as Jibhi does not have its own railway station. To reach Jibhi by train, you can follow these steps:

  1. Board a train from Delhi to the nearest major railway station, which is Chandigarh Railway Station (CDG).
  2. From Chandigarh, you can take a taxi or local transport to reach Aut, Himachal Pradesh, which is the closest accessible point to Jibhi by public transportation.
  3. From Aut, you can further travel to Jibhi by taking a local taxi or shared cab.

The distance and travel time by train from Delhi to Chandigarh may vary depending on the train and route chosen. From Chandigarh to Aut, the travel time by road is approximately 5-6 hours, depending on the traffic and road conditions. Please note that these travel times are approximate and subject to change. It is advisable to check the train schedules, availability, and local transportation options before planning your journey.

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