Create a blog on blogger step by step tutorial 2024

If you’re wondering how to kickstart your blogging journey without spending a dime upfront, Blogger emerges as the perfect solution. However, if your aim is to provide your audience with an exceptional user experience, WordPress is also a viable option. In this guide, we’ll walk you through the process of creating a blog on Blogger and explore strategies to monetize it. Essentially, blogging stands as an excellent medium to voice your thoughts and disseminate valuable information to your audience. Let’s dive into a step-by-step tutorial on setting up your blog on Blogger.

Create a blog on blogger step by step tutorial

 Your blog can be on different topics of your interest.

You can start a blog with any topic you have experience on and share your information with peoples around the world

To start a blog on blogger There are two reasons for peoples to start a blog

1. To express their thoughts

2. To earn Money (In this post I’ll also discuss various methods to earn from blogging)

To start a new blog you have to first understand some basic of blogging

A blog is a regularly updated website, where people share their ideas or experiences with the world of the internet. Mostly you have seen that blogs are  frequently published with new content that is for to maintain their ranking on Google You can start a blog without any technical experience of coding or web development

The most important thing to create a blog on blogger is to find a name for your blog.

As your blog name is the first thing that comes in front of your readers. It is recommended that always select your blog name either similar to your business name or similar to your blogging subject. If your selected name for your blog is not available on blogger then you can start your blog with any name and later on search for a perfect name for your blog because blogger gives you the right to change your blog name.

So don’t worry start your blog and write your first post-digital world is waiting for you If you are planning to earn from blogging in 2021, then it’s very much possible because part-time bloggers also earn a good amount by blogging

Basic of starting a blog on blogger

As For your information, is Google’s own free blogging platform where you can get a Free Subdomain from blogger



But if you plan to rank your blog first then must have to buy a custom domain like (.com, .net As per my knowledge Google search engine rank the custom domain first than that of subdomain. But if you don’t want to spend a single penny then the subdomain is best for you

As you understand that blogger is completely free to use but it also provides you free SSL certificate basically the secure sign to your blog free of cost also provide you a free backup for your content, just in case if you have planned to shift to WordPress to give your user a better experience than you only need to upload your data from Blogger to WordPress also provides you free SEO optimized theme with a layout editing feature

What is

So is a free hosting platform by Google to create a blog on blogger. Now, most of the readers exactly don’t know what hosting is. So basically the hosting is to keep all your website files safe, secure and makes sure that people can access your blog when they click on a link. It’s like a CPU of your website means hard disk and processor of your website


There are some great hosting providers  If you plan to create your website with WordPress. But for you don’t have to worry about paid hosting plans.

 How to create a blog on blogger

Create a new Gmail Account

To create a blog on blogger you must have a separate Gmail account. Make sure you do not mix your blog account with your primary Gmail account because due to your blog you get a lot of emails from Ad networks, Webmaster Tools, etc. So better to create a new Gmail account with the same name as your blog name

Login To to create a blog on blogger

 Now goes to and login with your new Gmail account. When you log in your dashboard will appear

Create a blogger profile to create a blog on blogger

You can create a blogger  Profile. So that your reader know about you and your experiences, Your profile makes a great impact on your readers

Create a New Blog At

You can create any number of blogs under your single account, So let’s start by creating your First Blog. Click on the create new blog tab Enter the name of your blog and click to submit

Choose Your Blog Theme to create a blog on blogger

Now select the theme you like for your blog and click to submit. You can change your theme in the future at any time if you want to change. As blogger is designed by Google so it’s very user friendly.

create a blog on blogger

Customization of Blogger theme to create a blog on blogger

  1. Blogger gives you 10-15 customized theme, but if you don’t like them, then you can purchase one of the premium themes.
  2. You can edit the HTML of your blogger theme, it will help you to add custom scripts of Adsense
  3. You can upload a favicon to your blog
  4. The drag and Drop function help you a lot to customize your blog
  5. Also, if you have a theme in XML format, then you can upload it directly to the blogger

Write a Post to start a blog on blogger

Now write your favorite post which you want to share and click on publish button to publish it, and make sure that your first post is user friendly and attractive, you must add some images related to your  topic but have in mind that the image you add to your blog must be copyright free

That’s It you have successfully launched your blog,


  To get your blog indexed on Google search console or get ranking in Google Search Engine

 Changes to your blogger settings

Add descriptions to Blog to create a blog on blogger

Click on basic under the Setting tab to edit description as shown in the image

Adding a description to your blog is a very necessary part of being get ranked in Google Search

Engine. Also, it helps your readers to get information about your blog subject and help users to know about your blog before entering into it. So write your blog description very precisely

create a blog on blogger

Add Meta Tag to the blog to create a blog on blogger

Click on search preferences under the Setting tab to edit Meta Tag as shown in the image. The meta tag is a brief summary of your blog. Write a Meta tag description related to your articles Or can search on google for example, for Meta tag description. The Meta Tag description Must be at 150 words.create a blog on blogger

Customize Robots.txt to create a blog on blogger

Click on search preferences under the Setting tab to edit Robots.txt as shown in the image

Robots.txt plays an important role in your Ranking. So add the text below to your Robots.txt

[su_quote]”    User-agent: * Disallow: /search Allow: / Sitemap:  Your Blog Address/atom.xml?redirect=false&start-index=1&max-results=500 ” [/su_quote]

create a blog on blogger

Custom Robots Header Tag to create a blog on blogger

 Click on search preferences under the Setting tab to edit Custom Robots Header Tag as shown in the image

Edit your Custom Robots Header Tag as shown in the image to get your blog to optimize

create a blog on blogger

How to write a blog to create a blog on blogger

 If all the customization is done, then you can click on the Create New Post Under Post and write your fresh article.

create a blog on blogger

Remember do not copy anyone article, as it may impact your google ranking

If you are writing your article, then write an attractive heading and subheading to your article, and then click on publish

create a blog on blogger

If you have posted your first blog then the next important step is to get indexed in Google, How to

Index Blog In Google Search Console

1 . You Have to Login by using your Gmail account to google webmaster

2. Add your Blog URL into Google Webmaster

3. As you are using So don’t have to do anything google automatically verify your ownership of the blog

4. Click on submit URL and Enter your Blog Address

5. Do a Live test of the URL

That is now on Google how many days it takes to index your website

For Fast Indexing Share your Blog post on Social Media Platforms

How to Monetize your Blog

1. Google Adsense

 How To Apply for Adsense on Blogger

1. Your Blog Must have 6 months old if you are using subdomain, but if you have planned to apply for Adsense early, then you can buy a custom domain name to apply for 

Google Adsense within a month

2 You must have 20-30 unique articles of 2000-3000 words in your blog

3. Must have Necessary Page on your Blog 

1. About Us

2. Privacy Policy

3. Contact us.

4. Use a premium blogger theme to make your blog more attractive

5. Setup SSL certificate that came free with

2. By Affiliate Marketing

On your blog, you can sell products of Amazon and Flip kart on your blog. For this, you have to register for the affiliate program of the different website like Amazon Affiliate

3. Different Ads Network

If You fail to get Google Adsense approval, then you don’t have to feel sad because there is a lot of other Ads network you can apply for, also some of ads network does not have a minimum traffic requirement

1. the Top Most Competitor of Google Adsense

2. Ezoic (The best tool to increase your blog earnings)

3. Propeller Ads

4. ClickAdu


6. Ad-maven

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