Chandigarh Railway Station/Bus Stand to Chandigarh Airport (Distance)

The distance between Chandigarh Railway Station and Chandigarh Airport is approximately 12-15 kilometers (7.5 miles) when traveling by road. The exact duration of the journey can vary depending on traffic conditions and the route taken. On average, it takes around 20-30 minutes to cover this distance by car or taxi. However, it’s always a good idea to allow some extra time for unforeseen delays.

Chandigarh Railway Station to Chandigarh Airport distance

The distance between Chandigarh Railway Station and Chandigarh Airport is approximately 12-15 kilometers (8.7 miles) when traveling by road. The journey typically takes around 20-30 minutes by car or taxi, but it’s advisable to consider potential traffic congestion or other unforeseen circumstances and allow for extra time.

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Chandigarh Airport to Chandigarh Railway Station distance

The distance between Chandigarh Airport and Chandigarh Railway Station is approximately 14 kilometers (8.7 miles) when traveling by road. The journey usually takes around 20-30 minutes by car or taxi, depending on traffic conditions and the route taken. It’s recommended to allow for some extra time to account for potential delays.

Chandigarh bus stand to Chandigarh airport distance

The distance between Chandigarh Bus Stand and Chandigarh Airport is approximately 15 kilometers (9.3 miles) when traveling by road. The journey typically takes around 25-35 minutes by car or taxi, depending on traffic conditions and the specific route taken. However, it’s important to consider potential delays due to traffic congestion or other factors and allow for extra time to reach the airport.

Routes ! Chandigarh to Aut Tunnel Distance (Bus, Cab)

ISBT 43 bus stand to Chandigarh airport distance

The distance between ISBT 43 Bus Stand and Chandigarh Airport is approximately 16 kilometers (9.9 miles) when traveling by road. The journey usually takes around 30-40 minutes by car or taxi, depending on traffic conditions and the specific route taken.

It’s advisable to factor in potential delays due to traffic congestion or other circumstances and allow for extra time to reach the airport.

isbt-43 to Chandigarh airport bus timings

chandigarh 43 bus stand to Chandigarh airport

ISBT 17 bus stand to Chandigarh airport distance

The distance between ISBT 17 Bus Stand and Chandigarh Airport is approximately 18 kilometers (11.2 miles) when traveling by road. The journey typically takes around 35-45 minutes by car or taxi, depending on traffic conditions and the specific route taken. It’s advisable to consider potential delays due to traffic congestion or other factors and allow for extra time to reach the airport.

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isbt-17 to Chandigarh airport bus timings

Chandigarh airport to Sector 17 bus stand

The distance between Chandigarh Airport and the main Chandigarh Bus Stand (Sector 17) is approximately 14 kilometers (8.7 miles) when traveling by road. The journey usually takes around 25-35 minutes by car or taxi, depending on traffic conditions and the specific route taken. It’s important to consider potential delays due to traffic congestion or other factors and allow for extra time to reach the airport.

To go from Chandigarh Bus Stand (Sector 17) to Chandigarh Airport, you have a few options:

  1. Taxi/Cab: The most convenient and direct way is to hire a taxi or cab from the bus stand. You can easily find taxi services available nearby. Inform the driver that you want to go to Chandigarh Airport, and they will take you there directly.
  2. Ride-Sharing Services: You can also use ride-sharing services like Uber or Ola, which are readily available in Chandigarh. Simply book a ride using the mobile app, enter your destination as Chandigarh Airport, and wait for the driver to pick you up at the bus stand.
  3. Local Buses: If you prefer public transportation, you can take a local bus from the bus stand to Chandigarh Airport. Inquire at the bus stand about the bus routes that pass by the airport. Keep in mind that this option might involve multiple transfers and take longer than a direct taxi or cab ride.

Regarding the distance between Chandigarh Bus Stand (Sector 17) and Chandigarh Airport, as mentioned earlier, it is approximately 14 kilometers (8.7 miles). The journey typically takes around 25-35 minutes by road, depending on traffic conditions and the specific route taken. However, it’s advisable to consider potential delays and allow for extra time when planning your travel.

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Mohali bus stand to Chandigarh airport distance

The distance between Mohali Bus Stand and Chandigarh Airport is approximately 8 kilometers (5 miles) when traveling by road. The journey typically takes around 15-25 minutes by car or taxi, depending on traffic conditions and the specific route taken. It’s important to note that traffic congestion or other factors can cause delays, so it’s advisable to allow for extra time to reach the airport.

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