Hi there! I am Akshay Verma – basically the guy behind the blog Clubinweb.com. I am from the state of Himachal Pradesh.
Yeah, the bloke from the state which has India’s most famous and time spending worth Hill Stations like Manali and Shimla. I have been traveling India since 2017, visiting the best as well as the less-traveled destinations. For instance, I have traveled to places like Manali, Jibhi, Shimla and, some not so chill places like Agra, Jaipur, Jaisalmer and, the like.
So, you would be wondering why this blog huh? Well, I have created this particular blog as a platform to record my raw and first-hand experiences, write about different beautiful places and, adventurous activities that you can try while traveling.
And of course, the essential tips to keep in mind before you plan a trip to any place in India. My mission is to inspire people to travel to India more insightfully. So that the people can adopt the best possible way to visit India within their budget. The blog helps them plan a fun, hassle-free and, safe trip.
I personally believe that nothing can ever beat traveling. I would like to quote here John Lubbock, who said
“Earth and sky, woods and fields, lakes and rivers, the mountain and the sea, are excellent schoolmasters, and teach some of us more than what we could learn from books.”
Very well said indeed. I also remember my dad telling me that “my son; travel as much as you can if you can afford it because nothing beats traveling when it comes to learning”. Traveling is the only way through which you can get to know the people around you, the people which belongs to a different culture, different nation.
It is the only way through which you can truly understand that though we may belong to diversified nations and cultures still we do not differ in any way when it comes to love, passion, companionship, friendship, and the like. We expect the same basic human qualities when we seek any above of them.
How colonial India reflects the British values and Arts and tenets in every aspect whether be it archeological, cultural, linguistic, or anything; it all comes from our past travelers as in Britishers traveled to India. See that is the power of traveling you actually can affect or effect a number of people while you travel; you even get affected by it too as in you get to know the different taste of people of another place whether be it in terms of Pop Culture, Arts, clothes, lifestyle, etc. You may make friends with some of the great people while you travel.
These are all the benefits of Traveling that is why I inspire people to travel more via this blog. You will find on this site travelogues ranging from Hawa Mahal to Manali.
Duh- I write about my own travel experience as I cannot emphasize it any further. The blog includes tips and advice and a lot more which is anything related to travel.
You will find a mix of reviews, advice and stories which are in-depth narration of my own experiences. The tips are not just only written there but they are founded on the very base of my own conflicts which I have faced while traveling which I would like you to avoid to enjoy your trip. The stories are the one which belongs to me and me only to give you the authentic guide which I have applied or rather failed to apply and encountered such trouble which you might like to avoid.
The blog just suggests you some ways so that you can plan your trip with all the fun and leisurely activities. The foremost goal of the site is to inspire you go and check the world out yourself and explore it the way you like it. You are not at all bound to follow my lead. I advise you to follow your heart and step ahead where your soul leads you to. After all the traveling should be exploring and adventurous right unlike you know the school picnics where you get all the instructions and directions to follow within the supervision of your teachers.
I do not deny the instructional purpose of the blog though. It indeed instructs you to travel but you are solely responsible for what to include and what not to. For example, let’s say my blog advise you to go to a certain place via road but if you are planning to go there via train or plane, it is totally your choice, it is totally up to you. No pressure. I just aim to provide you enough information needed to make it easier including the budget and lists of things to do and places to stay.
- The blog helps you plan a hassle-free trip
- The blog aims at a travel within your budget as well as the luxury travel too
If you ever wonder where to go and what to visit in India? Congratulations, you have come to the right place. As the site guides you to the answer of the above questions with ample number of lists about where to go, what to visit and; - Even what to eat. Yeah, you heard it right we even give you information about the FOOD which you can try while traveling to a certain destination. May it be a stall on the street side or be it an exquisite restaurant or even eateries.
- The blog provides an in-depth analysis on whether to try local, continental or any other kind of food according to the list provided of the places.
- The blog gives you the list of activities which are a must try when you visit a certain place with the costs which they include so that you can plan your trip accordingly to make it even more smooth with our guidance.
- It may even suggest you the places where to stay for lower budget for instance the hostels you see when you are travelling with a backpack all alone
- Don’t worry the blog contains everything for each of you whether you are planning a trip solo, with family, with friends or even with your grandparents.
- It suggests you the mode of transportation which you may take to a specific location so that you can avoid the conflicts with the details as in HOW TO REACH THERE? No!
- It includes the lifestyle tips also. As in what to pack when you are going somewhere according to the seasons you are planning in to visit.
- When it comes to traveling how can you even forget shopping? Well, the blog includes the list of items which are famous in a particular place which you can buy as a memoir to your trip. In case of a family trip the shopping is a must you know. Hope I am not exaggerating the topic.
- The blog provides with a short synopsis on the history and brief account of the culture of the location.
It talks about the archeological designs and patterns and the rulers to which it belongs and the importance of it in a particular time zone.
And last but not the least interesting narration of my experiences.
- Hmm apart from travelling you can also share your own experiences with our blog. The process is really simple you can email me, admin@clubinweb.com on my email address as provided in the blog and I can have a look at it and publish it with your permission on our site. Please note: only and only if you are interested and comfortable in sharing your experience and allow us to do so with your permission.
- Second, you can comment below as in what do you want us to include in the blog which are going to be published further. You are invited to give your suggestions as to what places you might like to include the details of? And simply of which place you want to know?
- We are also comfortable with the paid promotion if you want us to review your particular resting place, food, adventurous spots and the like. We would be delighted to collaborate with you and giving the honest and insightful review of your products on our site.
I would like to end it with a quote which is one of my favorites
“if you are always trying to be normal, you will never know how amazing you can be.”
by Maya Angelou.
Therefore, I do not want you to be just normal and never have a chance to travel. The blog encourages you to travel and travel even more so that you get a chance not to just explore places but you also get to explore yourself. You get to know your own limits and the spots where you lack? So that you can improvise yourself and live a life with enriched character more compatible and enhanced than ever before and evolving yourself further with each and every trip to lead a learned life.